Natalie Eidi
Know Thyself - Surrender - Serve
Know Thyself
Self Reflection and Spiritual Writing Retreat
Andros, Greek Cyclades Island
NEXT JOURNEY: 11-16 Nov 2024
Know Thyself
Retreat - Greece
Inscribed in the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, there reads the famous words Know Thyself.
It has been said from times immemorial that if we wish to understand the Universe , then we must understand ourselves. The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece and Socrates himself as well as so many other wise men throughout the history of this planet have all hinted the same Universal Principle: Know Thyself.
This reflects the eternal truth of as outside, so within, as above so below.
Who is this this being that "I Am"? Who is interpreting the outside world according to the reality within? And what is it that "I am" projecting into the Reality outside of me?
The endless smoky mirror leading to infinity, and yet, it is still, simple little old "me"....
The peaceful Mediterranean landscapes of the Aegean Sea in Greece has forever been a catalyser in my life and in the life of the Ancients.
Having been born and raised here, it is my soul that craves nothing more than to share the extravagant joy of simply existing in the blueness and whiteness of its presence;
Spending precious time in exquisite surroundings to indulge deeply into ourselves;
Reflecting on the lives we have led thus far, past present and dreams for our future;
Extracting from the depths of our Soul the True expression of who we are and where we stand today;
Sharing it with those around us, all uniting in the unfolding of our open hearts, creating a horizontal learning experience much like the medicine wheel, where everyone is on equal footing, both teacher and student of life and of others;
And of course, living enjoying each moment with in full openness and awe of Life’s magical gift of Life on Earth.
In this Journey we will:
Whether we already have a habit of writing or not, writing away our thoughts, emotions and reflections is a wonderful and efficient way to chew, digest and extract the wise teachings all our life experiences have to offer us.
Poetry, Prose, Fiction, Auto-Biographic...
There are infinite ways to portray our life, for we ourselves are a myriad of complex characters all inhabiting the same skin.
In this journey we will spend some time each morning on this activity and a few moments during the day as we explore different magical places that evoke our beings into remembrance of who we are.
Who are we, really? Who inhabits the skin we live in? Who is there, learning, growing, observing, feeling, thinking? Who's mind is this, and is it really ours?
These type of questions as well as so many others, make up a small portion of our experience on this Earth. Do we really know ourselves? What have we discovered of ourselves along Life's Path? What questions have we come to? What conclusions, if any, have we come to? Are these conclusiones set in stone? Who is the observar?
In this Journey we will
Make Offerings:
Leaving our offerings to Mother Earth is a small token of our appreciation and gratitude for all that we are bestowed!
We will have with us our tobacco, seeds, crystals, flowers and prayers to offer, but more importantly, we will have our selves to offer, our own very nature, who we truly are deep down inside to offer to Nature and to the Divine Calling.
What better offering can we do, but that of our hearts, our time, our selves and our sincere service?
We offer not for what we may obtain in return, but wholesomely, and unconditionally.
We offer everything, for through the Grace of the Divine, we are alive and in this enigmatic journey to discover who we are!
In this Journey we will:
Set our Intentions:
With a Large thick candle, each day, in our own privacy, in our room, we will set our intentions for the day. We will light the candle, spark the flame (invoke the spirit) and speak our hearts out.
In this Journey we will:
Prayer... Oh this word, that sometimes is so often used but so rarely understood....
Pray? to whom? Or to what? Why and how often?
In this journey we will practice non-denominational, non-religious, and non-dogmatic prayer.
Prayer is a form of constant communion with our own Divine Essence within, our heart felt cry out from our human and sometimes aching soul to the Higher Self within us which in turn is itself connected to the ALL.
Prayer when happy, prayer when sad, prayer when making offerings, prayer when in need, prayer for giving thanks, prayer for speaking our heart out....
The power of prayer is indeed strong, and being fluent in the language of the open heart, is sure to have a positive effect in our lives!
In this Journey we will:
Share our Medicine
Have we come to terms with the healing powers of our own medicine for ourselves and others? Do we take conscious responsibility for the energy we carry, and use its potency wisely and with a pure heart?
There are infinite external medicines; foods; herbs; substances; visionary plants; spirits; But have we reconciled with the innate, inborn, interior truth that heals our hearts and those around us?
In this journey we will enjoy the many medicines of sea; beautiful views; nourishing food; much needed moments of silence; friendship and communion; light hearted laughter; the sense of adventure...
But most of all, the suaveness of the humble wisdom that spontaneously arises in the midst of the intimate sharing circles we will have daily.
In this journey we will:
Acknowledge the Stars
Humanity has always practiced forms of astrology, astronomy, and once upon a time, these two were one and the same. . So above, So Below. So within, So without. We look to the heavens and see the Astral bodies... the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. We ask our questions, we find meaning in their passing. Far from superstition, it is more link a Divine language of the Universe speaking to us, if we were to listen and learn. We have always been “guided” by the Stars, and even so today, we continue to summon its sacred ancient knowledge throughout all the planet.
In this journey, we shall approach the beauty and simplicity of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, which holds both the Solar and the Lunar aspects into one perfect harmony. Understanding the cycles of life to understand our own nature better, and to simply relax into who we are and came to BE....
In this Journey we will:
Are we connected to something Bigger? Whom or What do we serve? Have we Surrendered Completely to the Divine Will and given full access to "use" or "run" our lives for a path of Service?
Are we serving as a vessel, as a Pilar of light so to speak, in assisting Humankind in these times of this everchanging planetary transition.
Do we Live Consciously?
Are we fully present?
Are we afraid of death?
Do we know where we are going?
Are we aware that we have a Light Body?
We will ask ourselves these questions, so that they may not go unasked!
In this Journey we will :
Co-exist in Community
Travelling together for a few days, is always an interesting setting for human relations.
How used to are we to co-inhabiting the same space as other people? Living with their mood swings, and with our own mood swings? How can we find the Unity amongst our differences? Who are we naturally drawn to and which qualities create resistance in us?
Taxi From Airport to Rafina Port
Ferry both way from RAFINA to ANDROS and back to Rafina
HOTEL 5 nights (each one in their own room)
Transportation within the island (to visit all the places)
Light Snacks during morning and evening Writing time
Visit to the Monastery
Visit to the local towns
Visit to the Beaches
All the activities
Meals (Breakfast in hotel is optional for 16 euros per meal per person. Lunches and Dinners are to be paid separately, since everyone is free to eat what they like from the local tavernas)
Flights to ATHENS and BACK to ORIGIN (Flights from GVA to ATH and back to GVA from the 11th of November to the 16th of November are 130chf if bought soon!)
Tips to local restaurants, hotel cleaning service.
Coffee, Drinks and beverages.

